Autonomous Systems Initiative
Florida Atlantic University has been a leader internationally in research, development, and applications of undersea, sea surface and ground autonomous systems for more than two decades.
As we now see the dawn of the autonomous systems industrial revolution that will fuse the physical, digital, and biological worlds, the Autonomous Systems University Initiative calls upon all faculty across six colleges (Engineering, Sciences, Business, Medicine, Arts, Education) and three research institutess (Institute for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering, FAU Brain Institute, FAU Harbor Branch) to come together and address the urgent need for:
- basic research and innovation for the burgeoning autonomous systems industry, and
- education and training for the future autonomous systems workforce.
The initiative places FAU at the international forefront of autonomous systems research and education and highlights the ongoing groundbreaking collaborative work in air, ground, underground, sea surface, and undersea cyber-physical and bio-cyber-physical autonomous systems, standalone or interconnected.
The autonomous systems revolution has direct national economic growth and security implications. The initiative addresses both to move toward efficient and effective reconciliation of autonomy and security in (bio)-cyber-physical platforms that operate in diverse environments.
Dimitris A. Pados, I-SENSE Fellow, Professor, College of Engineering and Computer Science
Autonomous Systems Research Lead
Warner A. Miller, Associate Dean for Research, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Autonomous Systems Education Lead